Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Me Playing

I thought to myself last night... I bet people are wondering if I am even good!
So here are 5 links to videos of me.
NOTE: My new gamertag is: MR MAST3RCF117
These gamertags are before I added MR onto it.

Shotty Snipers on Valhalla Clip:

Pure Skill No Scope on The Pit:

Team Tactical Ownage on High Ground:

LONG VIDEO: Swords on LW (I hadn't played in weeks, so I suck at the beginning/middle...but I win the game lol:

Multi-Team on Isolation - Overkill:

Hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pros In Action
Check out the above link to see the MLG Pro teams versing eachother in 4v4 action!

New Maps

The legendary map pack was recently released. Many people it worth buying them? I mean, that's $10! And the answer all depends. Do you want them immediately? Or do you not really care for them? If the answer is you don't care, then wait. They will be free in a few months...just like the Heroic Map Pack was.

Sniper No Scoping

Have you ever said these words to yourself: "How the heck did he hit me in the head! He wasn't even scoped in!" or something of that kind ?
Well here's how.

In Halo 3 no scoping can be fairly easy. I have talked to different people, some say it's all in the sensitivity...WRONG! Others say that it's just their awesome skillZ...EVEN MORE WRONG!

How you do no scope isn't in the sensitivity, or in your awesome skillz (even though skills do help).

No scoping is all in the aiming. I remember when I used to be a noob at no scoping. I would try to follow them when they strafed back and forth, trying to shoot them. Wow what a fool I made myself out to be then!

You don't aim while they aim at their head, and keep it in one spot...when they strafe over your target area, shoot. Simple as that. Try it, I know you won't be disappointed.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Halo 3 BR Help

BR Shots are commonly referred to in MLG and halo 3 tournaments/leagues.

A 3-4 BR Shot is very good. It means 3-4 pulls of the trigger from your controller (3 bullets per shot for a total of 9-12 at the enemy) killed him. It cannot be done unless you hit him in the head and the head alone.

Bungie made the game so that head shots from any gun do more damage then body shots. So when you BR try to aim for the head.

That is how the pro's get there skills. They always get the head.

Also for your sensitivity...nobody cann tell you what to put that on. Try each one and see which is the best you like...that is the only way you get the perfect sensitivity.

Skull Locations

Halo 3 Skull Locations are located below
Iron Skull:
The “Iron Skull” is located at the very end of the first level, “Sierra 117″. It is located behind the building where Sgt. Johnson is being held captive, up on the roof. You can gain access to the roof on the far right side of the building. Travel all the way over to the left side of the roof, and the Skull will be concealed in the corner.
Black Eye Skull
This Skull is located in the beginning of the second level “Crow’s Nest”, the very room you start in. Hanging down from the ceiling is some piping. On top of this piping, on the side nearest to the large display (the one that Hood appears on) lies the “Black Eye Skull”.
You can gain access to the pipes a few different ways.
Tough Luck Skull
The “Catch Skull” is found on the third level, at the point in the level when the huge covenant cruiser flies overhead. On your left is some large piping following the road you are walking on. Underneath this piping are some support beams that extend out over a cliff. Jump onto the first of these beams, and travel to the end of it. Look to your left, and the Tough Luck Skull will be sitting on a rock extending from a cliff edge.
Catch Skull
The “Catch Skull” can be found on the fourth level, in the first area where you need to destroy the Wraith Tanks. When you enter this area, do not eliminate the Wraith Tanks (The skull appears when the tanks appear, and disappears when the tanks are destroyed). The Skull is located on top of the circular building next to the Anti-Air Tank. You can access the roof using a grenade jump, or jumping on the back of a hog.
Fog Skull
The Fog Skull is found on the level “Floodgate“, at the very beginning of the level. As you are walking down from the anti-air gun you destroyed in the previous mission, you encounter a ramp (next to a missile launcher). Around this ramp, you hit a checkpoint. At this point, you should also hear a marine yelling, “There! Over There!”.
You have a small window of opportunity at this point, but it is fairly easy to get the Fog Skull. Look up, and to the right, directly at the roof of the building next to the missle launcher. There is a single flood form (not to be mistaken with the two other flood forms jumping in front of you) which is holding the skull. Kill him before he jumps, and he will drop the skull down to the ground where you can retrieve it. Too early, and the skull will get stuck on the roof though, so just time it carefully.
Famine Skull
This skull requires a bit of grenade jumping skill/luck.
You can find the “Famine Skull” on the sixth level, near the point where the path you follow branches off into two sections (one leading to the area where you need to let the tanks across the bridge, and the other leading towards the area where you meet up with the frigate). Take the right path, as you would if you were completing the mission, and you’ll notice a structure above you / to the left of you (near the area where you encounter a few ghosts).
You need to scale the rocks to the right of the structure, and then travel across it so that you pass 3 of the large support beams extending into the cliffs. Inside of the fourth support beam, lies the Famine Skull. A well placed grenade should have you up there in no time!
Thunderstorm Skull
The “Thunderstorm Skull” can be found on the level, “The Covenant”, after you take command of one of the Hornet vehicles. Fly towards the second force field generator (the one the Arbiter disabled), and land. The skull is waiting at the very top, at the end of the ramp extending over the sea.
Tilt Skull
The “Tilt Skull” is found on the level “Cortana”, in the circular room where Cortana mentions that she “Likes to play games too…”.
It’s a bit difficult to get to, as it requires getting on top of the ceiling of the room. Upon entering the room, head towards the left side where you will see some mushroom shaped extrusions along the wall. Get on top of these, and then look up and towards the right for another set of extrusions. Jump to these. From here, you should be able to jump on top of the ceiling of the room, where the Tilt Skull lies in the center.
Mythic Skull
This is probably the easiest Golden skull in the game to get. It is located in the very beginning of the final level in Halo 3. Begin by heading into the canyon, but hug the right wall. Very soon, you will notice that there is a turn to the right that is off the normal trail. Head a bit down this path, and the “Mythic Skull” will be sitting there.
Blind Skull
The “Blind Skull” is the first of the Silver Skulls in Halo 3, and can be found in the first mission, “Sierra 117″. It is located relatively close to the beginning of the mission.
After your first encounter with the Gold Armor Brute, Two enemy dropships will appear a bit further down the stream. Go towards the dropship that is furthest away, and stay on the right side of the stream. Continue along the right (towards the cliff edge), and a rock will jut out a bit over the large lake. The Blind Skull is located on this rock.
Grunt Birthday Party Skull
This is one of the more fun Silver Skulls in Halo 3. The “Grunt Birthday Party Skull” is located on the second mission, “Crow’s Nest”, just before the area where you team up with the Arbiter (it’s the piping area where you see Drones buzzing in and out of an array of pipes). Just before you jump down the pipe to meet up with the Arbiter, stop at the ledge, and look directly below you. Along the wall that you drop down, there is a small ledge with a green arrow pointing backwards. Jump onto this ledge (rather than all the way down), and go inside this secret room. The skull is in the dead center of the room.
Cowbell Skull
The “Cowbell Skull” is found on the level “The Ark”, and marks the third Silver Skull found in the game. It’s fairly far into the level, so it takes a bit of time to find it.
Begin by heading all the way to the part of the level where you battle the Scarab. After defeating it, look in the middle of the desert area which you battled it in for a fairly large structure (it’s the building you see if you are at the bottom of the ramp you are supposed to go up, and turn to look in the opposite direction). Inside of this structure are several Gravity Lifts (shown below). Take one of these for later. Next, head up the huge ramp, and head inside of the building (the one with the cartographer inside). Pass through a few of the rooms in this building, and you’ll eventually come to a room with a whole lot of Explosive crates. Right after this room is a Staircase/Hallway that leads to the level below. The Skull is located at the top of the room, at the point where you turn on the staircase to head for the next part of the slope. There are four platforms above you, the Skull is on the uppermost of these platforms. Use the Gravity Lift to jump up to it, and there you have it!
The IWHBYD Skull has been found! After countless hours (ok, maybe not countless…) from the Halo3Planet Community, we finally present you with the location of the final skull, the IWHBYD Skull!
The Skull is located in the level, “The Covenant”. After defeating the Scarabs, and going inside, get to the location with all 7 Ring Holograms. You must jump through the rings in a specific order. That order is as follows (1 is at the entrance, 7 is at the end):
4 6 5 4 5 3 4
These rings also produce the notes:
E G F# E F# D E
After jumping through them in this sequence, you will be awarded the “I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull”. It will be right next to the bridge that brings you over to the Prophet of Truth.

Halo 3

Many people, even though there is many websites helping them to figure halo 3 out, just can't do it.
Skulls for example, many websites give skull locations...but some people still cannot find the skulls in Halo 3. They cannot figure the IWHBYD skull code either! They really want that hayabusa armor, but they just can't figure out the skulls.

Well I'm here to help.

I have successfully beat the Halo 3 campaign on Legendary, gotten all the skulls (including IWHBYD) and gotten all the achievements in the game. I have all possible armor to unlock except for recon... *darn bungie* and have been on MLG, and other Halo 3 leagues you can find through

You just can't figure out the 4-shot BR. Or how people no scope you from an impossible angle. Or even how people are able to have a 10.00 K/D Ratio!

Just check back daily for new updates on Halo 3 help. Also email me for more help:

Thanks for looking! You won't regret it!